Gas Separators
Gas Separators
Intended use:
Gas separators intended for stable operation of submersible centrifugal pumps in pumping-out of reservoir fluids with high content of free gas.
Gas separators are installed either at a pump intake instead of the intake module or downstream the intake module if not fitted with a suction strainer. Energy Lift produces and supplies gas separators for various operation conditions.
A gas separator working principle is based on using centrifugal force to remove free gas. Gas is removed in annular space without vapor locking in the pump, leading to stable unit operation and increase of mean time between failures.
Advantages and design features:
Friction pairs in gas separators are made of hard alloy. End elements and protection sleeves are made of corrosion-resistant steel to improve hydro abrasive wear. Wet end elements are made of corrosion-resistant steel and cast iron of Ni-resist type. Gas separators are complete with shafts made of corrosion-resistant steel 05Х16Н4Д2Б and alloy Monel К-500, Inconel-718. As requested by the customer, gas separators can be fitted with shafts made of different steel types and alloys.
Design features of Gas Separators
The example of a gas separator NT 400 G 3800
The example of a Gas Separator NT 362 G V 1900
Reference designation of Gas Separators